It is 1.32 AM and the tears start to flow...
It is been a long time that I'm not used this account for signed in to blogger. Isn't for really important reason, but lil' bit pretty reasonable to hear that "I AM FRUSTRATED!" *inhale and exhale* not much to say but as the final reasoning thing, I decided to share what I feel in this post and not really wishing that someone read this bad post exactly, (I write this sentence just in 45 sec).
*inhale and exhale* can you guessed what those sentence refer to? Well, I will start to say this. I'm not really good thinker but also not the worst one. I'm not really smart student but also not the stupid one. But, there are some questions that I can't answer, why you can't get through that test?! Is the test over thinking?! What have you done?! Are you didn't do your best?! What should I do?
Sometimes, your first failure is your worst thing that you earn. In fact, I rarely failed. In addition to get new school an this is my worst thing that I ever done. I can't passed these test! On the other hand, I've through the 'bimbel' focus in a year and got soooo many exercises . But, what I've done? WHAT I'VE DONE?! I got lost my parents confidence, I feel so ashamed every time I talked to them. Even the vocational program not reached. What is wrong? Am I do very deep mistakes?
Those thought is I'm in the past. *I hope* in this time, I will get out so far from that thinking. I'm concious that God had something huge for me. In addition, I'm not a good human as long as I passed the 12 grade. I lost some Sunday to go church for important/unimportant thing. I'm so sorry from the deepest heart :'( I have learn, that when you need God in something, you must placed God in the top your ability. (it is not a picture that I'm not like what I've said, but less). I have realized too that I'm not one hundred percents focus. There are some things in my head. But I can't blaming :'' and got lost my time to focus. I think of it.
So, come on! Move on! Wake up! Frustrated not bringing you to your dreams. If I'm not be the owner of Yellow Jacket in this year, I decided to make a plan in next year. Now, I will roll up my sleeve and get tight up my belt for the other Yellow Jacket (UNSOED). Wish me luck and Jesus, please give Your hand for this project. Amen O:)