Minggu, 15 April 2012

9 hours left

It is 10.46 PM and now I write this post as fast as I can.

"Oh my God! It is so horrible! Tomorrow I will do the National Examination!" said all the final grade of Senior High nowadays, it must be include me. Yea, we will do that. National Examination. Event that what we're wait for. So many plans already in our head. So many journey or something huge had been on the list. So, come on. Like what I said this morning "Just relax. Do the best. Keep praying. Keep believing. And success. Amen" and what my pastor said this evening when I were in church, "Without Jesus, we can do nothing. But with him, we can do everything". What a glorious words they are :)

Face it. Look what you want in your future. Do the best. Muster all your skills. Keep praying. Believing. Success. Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ.

 And also all students in Indonesia :)


Jumat, 13 April 2012

picture of the day

 It is 10.23 PM and still front of my lappy's monitor.

  Tumblr. Remind me when I was just a lil' girl that spend my time to read so many books, and I loved magazine so much haha

And I remember to one of my playgroup's teacher and also my walikelas, Ibu Nani, she is so patient, she taught me how to spell my name that is B E A T R I X, count numbers, knew all colors, and how to appreciated how important mother is. I miss her so much :'

 Tumblr. And also my favorite one, writing. I loved writing so damn much. But I lost time time to cope with time. I haven't time to much do writing. I think this picture perfectly good as mirror that what I am reflected.


being mature

It is 8.36 PM and I just listening to Bad English - When I See You Smile and thinking about maturity.
 "I see a ray of light, oh oh,
I see it shining right through the rain
When I see you smile"
A couplet lyrics of song that I had listen, a song that first I knew from a movie "Sidney White" which it sang by a pretty cute choir of college on that movie. This song sang for the girl who want to have a date by the boy. And the boy said "I will never stop to sing until you say yes to go date with me" pretty sweet, right? haha

Sidney White : Indonesian subtitle 

Who knows that love will come. *idk why we talk about love, certainly* Love is beautiful, love is funny, love can make a bad day become a shining one, love is awkward, love can make so jerk, love is hurt, love is curious, love is jerk, and love is awesome *wink*
We are always grow up. Mature. One word that sketched what we are like now. Mature can't be judge by a number of ages. Mature is a condition that we already can hold our emotion. Mature also needed when we are in love. That what I wanna share to all of you. 
Sometimes, we need to be rational. Don't thinking much about your sight, but try to thinking how the others sight. We try to be not childish one that always thinking what they thought only, talk like what on their head only, and  doing like what they want only. 

 So, being mature is the important one. You don't need to looking where the mature is, but one thing that sure you must do that find out about yourself, identify yourself, how far what you had done in your life until nowadays. And care about all around you.

three days left

It is 06.56 PM and I just full fill the freedom with some words on this post (annoyed).

Three days left to the National Exam. My God.... 
Jatuh bangun udah gue rasakan, susah senang sudah dilalui, hujan badai bahkan kemarau sekalipun sudah pernah dilewati hahaha *ini apa ya?* Tapi serius, persiapan UN SMA gue kali ini benar-benar banyak usaha. Berangkat pagi, ya sesekali terlambat karena kondisi jalan di Jalan Pertanian *kami sering memanggilnya Kebon Singkong* yang kurang menguntungkan. Bayangkan, diawal periode sekolah, bulan-bulan awal memasuki kelas XII, sudah dapat dipastikan gue terlambat kalau berangkat seperti jam biasa 5.50 pagi. Kenapa? Hemmm, pembangunan Koridor Transjakarta *digabung atau dipisah sih penulisannya* Yap, sangat menyusahkan. Bayangkan lebar jalan yang tidak bisa dilalui 2 mobil sedan sekaligus ini ditambah pula tanah-tanah galian gajelas numpuk di kanan jalan turut menghiasi ban mobil atau ojek yang gue naiki ke sekolah, inilah penghambat sebenarnya. Nggak salah mereka sepenuhnya sih, kadang emang gue yang bangunnya siang :/ Well, hal itu adalah pembuka post kali ini. 20 points berhasil gue raih dalam 2 semester. Dibagi 5 jadi gue tercatat 4 kali terlambat ke sekolah *itu yang ketahuan -___-* Eh bukan gitu maksud gue, itu yang tertulis. Dengan sekali panggilan masuk dari nomor telepon resmi SMAN 12 Jakarta ke ponsel nyokap disambut tidak menyenangkan. Berniat menasehati nyokap biar gue gak terlambat lagi, sebaliknya, wakasek gue dinasehati balik karena merasa diajari *dasar orang dewasa*

Belum lagi, gue masih dikontrak untuk program Capaska (Calon Pengibar Bendera Pusaka) 2011 yang pada saat itu harus dijalani sampai pengibaran usai, yakni 17 Agustus. Bulan-bulan awal masuk kelas XII gue belum 100% jadi anak sekolah sesungguhnya karena masih ada tanggungjawab ekstra di weekend yang seharusnya saat itu bisa jadi waktu belajar ekstra di bimbel. Tapi nggak ada penyesalan, ini kemauan gue. Bahas soal bimbel, 1 semester benar-benar masa berat gue. Tercatat:

Senin dan Rabu
5.50 - 06.20 Berangkat + dijalan + nyampe sekolah
06.20 - 15.00 KBM
15.00 - 16.00 Kegiatan ekstra (Paskibra/ngobrol sambil nuggu jam les)
16.00 - 16.25 Berangkat LIA + nyampe
16.25 - 17.00 Makan + ngobrol sambil nunggu kelas mulai
17.00 - 19.00 LIA
19.00 - 19.45 Pulang
19.45 - 20.00 Nyampe rumah + mandi
20.00 - 21.00 Makan malam + kumpul keluarga
21.00 - 23.00 Kalau lagi bener dipakai belajar, kadang main lappy, kadang main gitar, kadang  YouTube-ing, kadang sketch-ing
23.00 dst biasanya gak jelas, bbm-an, twitter-an, atau cuma sebatas tidur-tiduran sambil yaa ehmm pikiran berputar-putar lah nunggu ngantuk
*maaf apabila bahasa saya agak kacau*

Selasa dan Kamis
5.50 - 06.20 Berangkat + dijalan + nyampe sekolah
06.20 - 15.00 KBM
15.00 - 16.00 Kegiatan ekstra (Paskibra/ngobrol sambil nuggu jam les)
16.00 - 16.25 Berangkat GO + nyampe
16.25 - 20.00 GO
20.00 - 20.45 Pulang
20.45 - 21.00 Nyampe rumah + mandi
21.00 - 22.00 Makan malam + kumpul keluarga
22.00 - 23.00 Kalau lagi bener dipakai belajar, kadang main lappy, kadang main gitar, kadang  YouTube-ing, kadang sketch-ing
23.00 dst biasanya gak jelas, bbm-an, twitter-an, atau cuma sebatas tidur-tiduran sambil yaa ehmm pikiran berputar-putar lah nunggu ngantuk

4 hari dalam satu minggu terus berlangsung seperti jadwal diatas. Pusing? Memang. Capek? Tentu. Disaat teman-teman gue yang lain bisa belajar leluasa, gue merasa sedikit terbebani dengan jadwal LIA. Pertidaksetujuan nyokap untuk postpone adalah penyebab utama kenapa gue masih bertahan sampai 2 term di masa-masa kelas XII. So, gue saranin, cepet-cepet deh diselesaikan LIA-nya, atau kalau mau masuk LIA jangan ditunda-tunda kayak gue, jadi terlalu lama.

Tapi begitu masuk semester kedua, gue berani mengungkapkan kalau gue capek, gue lelah, letih, lesu, lunglai, *oke, ini sudah ngaco* ke nyokap. And fortunately, dia mau denger dan postpone lah gue untuk 2 term terakhir. Ya rencananya usai UN ini gue mau nyari tau kapan promotion test berlangsung.

Well, gue juga mau ngungkapin kalau ternyata semakin dekatnya UN maka semakin malaslah lo ke sekolah. Trust me. Dan setelah gue sadari, gue nggak pernah hadir full dalam ujian try out di sekolah. Pasti ada satu hari yang bener-bener gue males untuk bangun pagi dan ikutin ujian itu. Ya Tuhan... ampuni Beatrix yaaa :'(

Dan yang lebih herannya lagi, semakin mendekati UN juga kegiatan gue semakin nggak jelas. Disamping emang gue belajar, tapi kesibukan kayak blogging, nge-dance, organisasi paskibra, main gitar, keyboard, dan nge-tweet pun jadi kebiasaan sekarang-sekarang ini. Gue harap hal tersebut gak gue sentuh sampai pelaksanaan UN berakhir. Dan gue harap ini post terakhir 2 minggu ini. Seenggaknya gue harus bener-bener fokus untuk soal-soal yang akan gue hadapi nanti.

Last, mustahil berhasil usaha tanpa doa. Gue percaya itu. Keep praying because He always listening :) Amen. GO, FIGHT, WIN FOR NATIONAL EXAMINATION 2012! GOD WITH US..


Minggu, 01 April 2012

how lucky we are

It is 11.57 PM and I will hit my bed.

Feel like not really sleepy, just finishing my school stuff, Laporan Penelitian Sosial. Sociology's final assignment. Not much that I had told there. Well, now I wanna share a lil' bit about my report.

This is about street kids. Hemm, like a jerk if I remember the speech for examination. I used this theme to my speech, and I got bad that time. I felt so fools :/ okay, forget it.

In the middle February, I had visited Sahabat Anak foundation in Manggarai. Sahabat Anak is educational institution in Indonesia which cater for street children. 

 left-right: Kak Tasya (Public Relation of Sahabat Anak) and me.

Kak Tasya as interviewie and I'm interviewer. We talked everything about Sahabat Anak. Actually you can find that on http://sahabatanak.com/ The street children who are study at that institution were very impressive. They are realized how important education is. And I gave 2 thumbs up for them.

Not much to say, as a teenagers we should be care about this that not all children in this earth can feel the school education. So, let's do our best on National Examination on 16 through 19 April 2012. It is 15 days from today. And this is not the April Mop :/


Justin Bieber - Catching Feelings (cover)

Skyscraper - Demi Lovato (cover)

Sad - Maroon 5 (cover with piano instrument)

Aditya - Love Will Find You (Cover)

Jamie Cullum - Mind Trick (Cover)